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Mostrando postagens de abril, 2012

To Approach with Interest

The foundation of Ifá philosophy is that we are all born good and blessed and that we are divine beings making a human journey. The human journey is symbolized by the market place and the travel itself.  The market is a place where the good and bad trade can be done, where thieves and truth mingle.  The journey itself signifies a travel from one place to another where in the in-between the unexpected can occur. Ifá tells that at the end of any journey well made lies a bed of tranquility and peace for those who used iwá rere (good character) as their compass in this journey. Ifá teaches that creation was caused by the dream of light that was made visible in the odu Eji Ogbè , which  signify the elevation of both hands towards heaven – because with the birth of light came also its contrast, Òyèkú méjì , that signify darkness, end of cycles and the inhalation that makes the exhalation of Ogbè active. The idea of raising both hands to heaven implies to accept be...

The Witches’ Truth

“Witchcraft is a poetic reality - born from the dragonflies that took shape in the sparks of the first blacksmiths hammer – as He forged Beauty in the cave of Wisdom. “ - Frisvold & Ristic: The Nocturnal Gospel (tbp)       Traditional witchcraft is the art of forging the world in accordance with ones Fate – but it is also the art of shaping Fate into be good and true as much as forging the world to bend to your will and make all Nature still in your moment of regal impossibility where you are One. This turns the Witch into a worker of Fate – and this calls upon the need to know the secret alchemy within creation – and in particular nature herself. Any attempt of defining traditional witchcraft is always challenging – as is the definition of the practitioner of this art, ‘the witch’. Andrew Chumbley referred to it as the nameless art, Scandinavian cunning people call it simply ‘The Art’ and the Greek poet Kostis Palamas called it ‘what has yet no name’. It is a...

Troth, Oath & Word

“Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempest. ” - Epicurus To give ones Word, to Swear, to give an Oath is an act of dramatic consequences.  It was dramatic in the past – as it is now amongst traditional faiths, cults and minds – to give ones word in oath binds one in a given way taking the spirits as witness of truth. We find contrasts in this ranging from Epicurus who held friendships to be a form of love that danced around the world and sustained our being.  The betrayal of friendship (file) in the forms of harm, lies, deception or treason was for him viewed as the key to misfortune in its depraved lack of honour. For Epicurus it was better to end one’s life than to betray ones friend. Modern man tends to not give the same value to oaths and promises anymore. Promises and vows are easily broken in reference to some strategy of self justification or the demonizing of the other. Curiously broken promises are often followed by punitive action upon the o...

The Gathering of Harmony

Life is a beautiful journey in mystery. In this journey we meet friends and fiends. Fiends encountered often surfaces as lessons or embodied principles that tempers you to turn inward and get to know yourself. Friends we meet in this journey can affirm your path – or just resonate with a particular sojourn on your path of self discovery. These meetings are important crossroads that affirms what we are and makes us move on - or stay... Ifá is rooted in a solid belief in Fate – hence we can act in ways that brings us closer to Fate or remove ourselves away from it. Fate is in Ifá understood to be the summit of fulfillment and joy, so the counsel of Ifá is always focused on how you can reach this happy and joyous station. We reach this station with the help from our friends and the communities and relationships we form.  As our sense of Self and purpose grows in meeting with friends and fiends the underlying principle in Ifá is about developing good character (ìwá rere). A good cha...