In his book about Balkan Traditional Witchcraft Radomir Ristic gives us evocative imageries of the nature of the witch as someone who has a relationship or liaison with some spirit vested in demonic clothing. The connection with this spirit enables the spirit to make marvels and wonders, to fly out at night and behave in ways that sets him or her apart from the ordinary world. He or she is someone who sees beyond the veils of day and night and see what is. Ristic is also adamant in disclosing that at the root the idea of the witch we find a Bogomil theological concept. The Bogomils believed in One God, but they also believed in his emissary and vicar, Satanael. Hence we have the concept of the two Tzar’s, the golden Tzar of Heaven and the silver Tzar of Earth. His exposition on these mysteries also found its way to the anthology of Traditional Witchcraft, Serpent Songs where he concludes that the Bogomil influence made the ‘ways of the grandmothers’ to survive – it was this way t...