Osé Èrò means ‘powerful herbs that clean’, but in effectuating an energetic clean-up it also invites in the power of attraction. Osé Èrò is made from osé dudu, or African black soap, which is an ash based product, mainly using the bark and leaves of plantain and cocoa –as well as other herbs such as Shea and Palm oil pods. All vegetalia is sundried and then brought to a process of stirring under heat. Shea butter (which is a natural UV protector) is added to the mixture which is then left aside for two to three weeks to cure. This is the body of the Osé Èrò , which is already in the state it is a powerful medicine in terms of repelling negativity due to its alchemical transformation of benign plants commonly used to venerate Orí, or our consciousness. These plants as they are, is rich in various vitamins (especially A and E) and enzymes that repair the skin, it be wrinkles, blemishes or eczema and in generally maintains the health of the body. So, this product...