We have the pleasure of announcing new services and products at Sacred Alchemy Store , all of these services and products have been created due to popular demand and so we thank you all for letting us know your needs and we thank you for your support over the years! Ifá forecast –dafá ikin The geomantic oracle known as Ifá is one of the most precise and solution oriented oracles known to man. By identifying patterns of energy moving your current situation it is possible to find presidency in the past and within the fundamental energetic building blocks of creation clarifications, answers and solutions to whatever situation. Ifá is predicting the future by analysing the past and the energetic matrix that lies to the root of a given situation and from this can predict the future. Ifá can be thrown with obi (kolanut), opele (the divination chain) or with ikin (palm-nuts), the latter being the most complex and time demanding form of predictive work where the ...