We all stand on the shoulders of whoever came before us; we speak of ancestry or land these are our two shoulders. We are the living legacy of the past. We embody and act the blessings and the curses, the lessons and the resistance of everything that made us be what we are today. We think this is always beautiful when we place the monocles to our life and see our good deeds and wonderful aspirations and it all goes grim when we expand our vision and start feeling hot, heavy and delirious with the condition of the world. In those moments we don’t see how our self-doubt is used to the vantage of the rulers of the worlds that do not want you to be comfortable in your little cave of light and darkness. We are always called out, to give an opinion or a judgment – and if we don’t, life do it for us when we are in any form of cue or exchange any idea rooted in difference and concord. We start to point fingers to acts generated by bad character and greed, yet we don’t see the charac...