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New products and discounts at Sacred Alchemy Store

We recently extended our array of products at Sacred Alchemy Store, namely òrìsà statues crafted from wood, authentic Quimbanda patuás/charms/talismans and the idol of Pomba Gira Maria Navalha for protection of women.

Also we are offering a 20%discount on dafá/Ifá readings until solstice and we have also managed to offer ose ero, the Ifá medicine embedded in black soap for a reduced price, namely, buy two and get three, so read on and follow the links by a click on the header of each product.

We will in the period from 4th of December until Solstice offer 20% off on our Ifá readings - this because many might look for a forecast for the tendencies of the upcoming year in which Ifá is an excellent option for  such investigation. Please use the discount code 'Orunmila' at check out and the discount will be applied.

We are now offering our Ifá medicine, made from black soap infused with secret powders and enchantments for a reduced price.

All of these magical soaps are made and charged by an Awo Ogboni and will be made in relation to the need of the client.Herbs, enchantments and prayers utilized in the presence of spirit and òrìsà to generate medicine and magic is a common trait in Ifá and one of these magical medicines is osé èrò. This medicine composed from powders from the vegetal, animal and mineral kingdom combined into a specific ray of power through natural harmonies, songs, prayers and enchantments and bound together in order to bring forth a specific direction and quality. This medicine takes the form of a black soap that is used to clean the entire body while the mind stays in a contemplative and receptive state, focusing on the intent of the use of the medicine.

We offer sixteen varieties of this medicine, each directly linked with one of the primordial sixteen odùs of Ifá and in this combo of three osé èrò you can choose three of the same or three different ones from the list below:   

Èjì Ogbè is used for the purpose of attracting peace and tranquility and will have a balancing effect on the soul and mind. It is a good medicine to use when we are in need of peace of mind to make the best possible decisions.  
Òyèkú Méjì is used to avert danger and death, but is also well used to facilitate understanding of any kind of transitions in life, it be concerning work, moving or relationships. This medicine holds strong purifying effects on body, soul and mind
Ìwòrì Méjì is a medicine of fire and inspiration and can be used when inspiration and initiative is lacking. This medicine is of a transformative nature and energizes the soul.
Òdí Méjì is used both to generate fertility and also stability. It is a medicine that makes a restless heart calm and a womb desiring children to become more fertile and receptive.
Ìrosùn Méjì is a medicine that facilitates the attraction of wealth and prosperity into our lives. It is important when we are using this medicine that we avoid boasting about our success and give attention to the opportunities appearing.
Òwónrín Méjì is our remedy against chaos and upheaval and is used to bring about great understanding in turbulent phases of life and enables the user of the medicine to take advantage of situations that are experienced as very complicated.
Òbárá Méjì is a medicine used by those who seek to achieve position in society or at work. It is a medicine that will stimulate the strength of will and make this strength visible for others. 
Òkànrán Méjì is a medicine used to correct the consequence of errors of judgmentand is as such a medicine that stabilizes what is chaotic and induces pensive and contemplative rays. It is a medicine great to use when we need to take lesson from our bad actions or when we are entering dark periods of our life.
Ògúndá Méjì is the medicine of victory and triumph. It is a medicine that can be used when we seek to remove obstacles and blockages and also when we are confronted with a situation of competitive nature and see triumph.
Òsá Méjì is our most complicated medicine as it creates abundance through radical change. It is a medicine well applied when we feel every road is blocked and we are searching for opportunities to open up, but keep in mind that the effects of this medicine can at time be of a radical – and sudden – nature.
Ìká Méjì is a medicine against hexing and gossip. It removes most malefica directed against the one who is using the medicine and comes with a restriction of not cursing nor indulging in gossip while the medicine is used for its purging qualities to penetrate as deep as possible.
Òtúrúpòn Méjì is our vehicle for healing and this medicine aims towards making strong the immune system and is as such a remedy that brings health to body, soul and mind, it is the medicine for healing.
Òtúrá Méjì is a medicine used to stimulate second sight, clairvoyance and is in general a worthy medicine to use to bring strength to ones spiritual constitution. This medicine fortifies in particular mind and soul
Ìretè Méjì is our combat medicine and can be used in situations of war as much as for pursuing particular goals. It is naturally important that our goals are reasonable and realistic when we are using this medicine that can also be used to provoke desired opportunities in martial ways.
Òsé Méjì is the medicine of love and attraction that both induces sweetness and beauty of heart and soul as well as it generates attraction of love towards the one who uses this medicine.
Òfún Méjì is the answer on what is hopeless. If life is particularly blocked and stagnant and one is feeling that only a miracle can help one out, this medicine will enable the one who is using it to connect with source and from this positive change is summoned.

We have been so fortunate to have been able to contract the services of a woodcarver from Babatunde village in Nigeria, some 50 minutes away from Ile Ifé that in his capacity as a craftsman and Awo (Babalawo) is skilled enough to carve all 401 òrìsàand irúnmòle. It will naturally take some time to have this work done, and so we estimate approximately 8 weeks from order is made and until we are able to ship these handcrafted images of òrìsà and irúnmòle to you. We will naturally keep you updated on the process. We are however happy to inform that we are able to offer these handcrafted images for $350 + postage.

An image of this cost will be approximately half meter tall (+/- 7 cm). Our woodcrafter can do smaller images naturally – or larger – in this case please do write us at sacred.alchemy.store@gmail.com so we can provide estimates of cost and time of delivery. The same goes for orders of multiple images, we are in such cases able to work out discounts.
We will not list all the 401 òrìsà and irúnmòle, so please, upon ordering send us a mail about which òrìsà or irúnmòle you want carved or add the information in the commentary field of the transaction itself.   
In the picture we see Òrìsà Òsóòsi

Patuá is a tupi word (patauá) meaning ‘bag of leather or cloth we tie to our chest’ as a reference to the bag the hunters were using to gather what they found in the woods it be food, bone, earth, feathers, meat or treasures. It also held the meaning of being an ‘amulet’.
patuá is what Quimbandeiros  often refer to as ‘a gathering of life’, which is the vernacular meaning for what a patuá is, and so a patuá is a gathering of things found to serve a purpose, usually composed of parts mineral, animal and vegetal, that gives a new life and direction.
For the tupi-speaking hunters it was apparently about the sum of what was found, but it was also the methodology that made it possible to carefully assemble  elements in order to give it a direction, a force of its own.

We are offering Quimbanda patuás both with a specific direction and directed to capture the virtue of a particular Exu or Pomba Gira. We have decided to make these patuás in relation to Exu and Pomba Gira as rulers of given kingdoms and a few with a specific direction. If you want more specific patuás, please write us and we can accommodate, but please keep in mind that a patuá for a specific Exu or Pomba Gira can at times also invite in a presence that do its work for good and for ill, so measure well and speak with us before you make your choice so we can arrive at the best solution for you. The options listed below are patuás we have found to give benefit and have no issue making for whomever see to attract these potencies to their lives. Any questions or special request, please do write us at: sacred.alchemy.store@gmail.com

Exu (a generic patuá composed of elements from all nine kingdoms to invite in a dynamic presence of Exu)
Exu Tranca Ruas (for opening roads and be able to make the better choice)
Exu Omolu (for connecting with ancestry and the realm of ancestors)
Pomba Gira (a generic patuá composed of elements from all nine kingdoms to invite in a dynamic presence of Pomba Gira)
Pomba Gira das Praias (for understanding and healing of the emotional realm of being)
Pomba Gira Maria Padilha (for attraction of love and the erotic)
Zé Pelintra (for gaining a gambling hand and the upper hand in business dealings)

Her story speaks of a woman, Maria Regina, who grew up in Rio de Janeiro under challenging circumstances. Her father was an officer in the military who abandoned his children shortly after the birth of Maria Regina’s brother, who turned out to be mentally challenged.  It is a struggle some life and even more so when their mother died when Maria Regina was 14 years old. They lived on the street, of alms and small work until she managed to get a work as a waitress at a bordello. Here she one night met this gentleman dressed in white and with a red tie. He never demanded her favours, only gave her gifts. One night he gave her his watch and with that a charm telling her that it was important that she left work before 3 a.m. and if she couldn’t do that, that she should wait until 7 a.m. Shortly after she found herself in the streets at 3:30, when she realized what time it was – and as she realized this she heard the voice of two bandits calling her to freeze. With nowhere to run in that dark back alley in Lapa, she turned around trying to talk her way out of what was about to happen. They approached her with knifes seeking to rape and kill her. But as they approached her a man dressed in white with a red tie appeared behind them, in his hand a razor. He jumped the attackers and killed them both, but alas, in this he also suffered deadly cuts to himself. In tears  Maria Regina was given the razor from the dying Zé Pelintra as he placed his panama hat on her head…  From this night on she was known as Maria Navalha, Mary Razorblade.

Pomba Gira Maria Navalha is naturally a great force for protection of women and to punish abusive men. We have her in two forms, one white and one red. The white Maria Navalha is charged and worked for the sake of protection, suave, yet deadly… while the red Maria Navalha is charged with that extra element of fire that makes her aggressive and fierce in her protection. We offer her both with and without a special patuá enhancing the particular direction of her virtues and powers.

Visit us at: http://sacredalchemystore.com/

With Our finest blessings for the tide of festivities and celebrations!

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