A review of: +Palamas: Spirit Builders . Transmutation Publishing. 2015 Spirit Builders is an impressive tome. It contains everything relevant to the ritual part of the rite of Memphis and Misraim in terms of how to awaken the powers within each of the 97 grades and degrees. As for the rites themselves, +Palamas have limited himself to the ‘primitive’ presentation of each degrees with commentaries upon each degree relevant to the approach of Free Illuminism. What is contained in this is basically a one on one direct meeting and merging with the mysteries outside the circle squares as it would be in a traditional Masonic lodge. Hence, what becomes vital in this voluminous tome is to understand the approach itself, as the essence of the rituals themselves is well presented. And in this we find the idea of initiation as a form of awakening to a process that brings on an energetic harmony between body, soul and the mystical experience itself, what + Palamas call ‘a s...