"Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give [life] a meaning." - J.P. Sartre There is a great variety of initiations that we can accept and take on. It can be with an order or fraternity or it can be with a conclave or family. No matter the level of exoteric presence it still remains that we will find a form of lineage present and someone being the wielder and protector of this lineage and its legacy. These forms of initiations are different from the initiations we encounter in established religious denominations in its collective acceptance of your willingness to partake. For instance a Catholic baptism makes you a part of the Church, and there is really no threat in being excommunicated, unless you have assumed holy office, and it is here the strand between a spiritual denomination and a religious institution meet, in t...