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Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2009

A Alquimia da Iniciação de Orisa

  (To read this text in English, click here)   Uma tradição deve expressar algumas facetas particulares para ser corretamente referida como tradição, de outra forma ela é uma presunção, uma pseudo-tradição. Uma tradição necessita expressar uma mundovisão e também necessita uma sucessão de conhecimento que em última instância revela a conexão com espírito, mais comumente através do intercessor humano que serve como um intermediário na corrente de transmissão. Nesta última, a corrente de transmissão, é suficiente apontar à quantidade de discussões e batalhas de egos que ocorrem entre tantas crenças derivadas das Africanas no Novo Mundo para ao menos sugerir que a conexão com a fonte é na melhor das hipóteses, falha, dada a apresentação puramente profana aos mistérios atemporais. Isto também é revelado em como as pessoas, ao assumir o papel de sacerdotes, institucionalizam automaticamente disfunções de todos os tipos. Estas disfunções revelam-se nos jogos de poder, que v...

The Alchemy of Orisa initiation

(Para ler este texto em Português, clique aqui) Tradition must express some particular facets to be rightly referred to as tradition, or else it is a pretender to tradition, a pseudo tradition. A tradition needs to express a traditional world view and it also needs a succession of knowledge ultimately revealing connection with spirit, most commonly through the human intercessor that serves as the intermediary in the chain of transmission. As for the latter, the chain of transmission, it would be sufficient to point to the extent of quarrels and battling egos happening between so many African derived faiths in the New World to at least suggest that the connection with source is at best faulty given the purely profane presentation given to the timeless mysteries. This is further revealed in how people in assuming the role of priests and priestesses automatically institutionalize dysfunction of various kinds. This dysfunction reveals itself in plays of power ranging from lies, dece...

The Oath

Oh! Be Thou Consecrated As Thy word is given and taken So mote it be Be Sacred Accursed One Be Accursed Sacred One Watchful eyes be upon your brow and hand As your foot steps the wheel of Fate Oh! Be Thou Consecrated By word and silence May the Blessing, Curse and Cunning pass to be Thine Amen Consecration is the act of setting something aside, to make it sacred, The mystery of consecration is deeply related to the Greek Anathematizo , which means “to bind under a curse”, which is derived from anathema, which does not only mean “different”, but also “consecrated” and “accursed” In the Latin language the words detestor  and sacer are both giving head and tale to “consecration”. The latter refers to someone being set aside as belonging to a deity, while detestor means “to bring down a curse”. Naturally, the consecration is walking hand in hand with the oath, to give ones word as a man and woman of honour. The oath as taken in the Craft is always rewarded with the ac...

At the Sweet Crossroad of the Salt

The nanchon or division of Haitian Vodou known as Congo breaches across the rites of Rada and Petro, especially is this the case of Simbi Andezo, the lwa that is seen as having one foot in the sweet waters and the other in the salty waters. Andezo is like all Simbi lwa enigmatic and mysterious, as revealed in many of his songs, which speaks of how his votary seeks to know him, but he hides from getting known. The nanchon Congo is a complex fanmi where their complexity is well demonstrated amidst the Simbi lwa. In Congo these spirits were called basimbi and designated the spirits living around ponds, rivers and fresh waters. They were at times considered to be a class of spirit composed of highly developed ancestral spirits. The Simbi ranges from the balanced and benevolent, as we find in Simbi Andezo to forms like Simbi Macaya, the lwa that was adopted as patron for the Bizango cult formed by Makandal during the rebellion in 1757. Simbi Macaya is seen as violent and dangero...