A life lived in nature is ruled by different laws than what we find in the monuments of stone, concrete and steel of modern urban civilization. I believe the concrete makes it difficult to resonate with the natural law and consequently our dharma or destiny turns clouded and confused. Our actions or karma seems blocked and bewildered at all times. For a dweller in the countryside re-entering the city it is a meeting of a cacophonic world of noise and disturbance. The omens that help us understand speaks clearly through birds and beasts that walk the land as its extension and messengers. In the city all this is altered, the peace of pigeons has turned into gluttony and confusion and they can no longer speak as they should. Nature loses its language when it is forged into stone and order of modern civilization and its inhabitants engages in dysfunctional interaction that was imposed by modern lifeless culture. The hunt for spirit and connection hides itself in ambition so the longing...