Dear Friend, You wrote: I have really been enjoying The Starry Cave and have your book on Palo and and Exu. I learned about you and your work from the Occult of Personality podcast which I listen to on a regular basis. My question for you is what is the best way you have found to stimulate your creativity and imagination. I've been trying to do this through meditation and dream work and have recently started singing petitions and prayers during my meditations. I'm interested in calling up some images from my psyche that can show me how I can live my life better or enhance my life. I have four years sobriety with a 12-step program so I can't use any substances. Any suggestions? Also I wanted to tell you that from what I've learned from you I've started working with my ancestors and parents who have passed over. I feel their power in my life and our relationship is healing. It is very powerful magic and I thank you The vis imaginativa