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Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2009

Announcing the Release of a New Book; Arts of the Night!

Arts of the Night invites the reader into a history of the practices of witchcraft by focusing on Mesopotamia as the possible cradle for the arts and crafts popularly assigned to what we name as ‘witches’. In this book it is suggested that witchcraft is a poetic reality that pertains to humankind at large. The work had as its working premise the six volumes of ‘Magic and Witchcraft in Europe’ edited by Ankarloo and Clark (published by Penn State University Press) but grew soon enough out from this framework. It is my hope that by tracing the history of witchcraft from Mesopotamia and to modern days to provide a greater sensitivity for what the Craft might be by presenting the various practices and philosophies that molded the wise Arts. It is my hope that this tome will heighten the awareness of the Wise Arts being originally a traditional vestige of the great mysteries. In our corrupted world, marked by all forms of traditional deviations, I present this work in the hope that it ca...

The Witch of Venus

  Para ler este texto em Português, clique aqui How can Witchcraft be understood from a Traditional point of view? This question demands a clarification of terms, namely what is witchcraft and what does the term traditional entails. To begin with the latter, tradition, it is given many odd interpretations, quite commonly speaking of its arcane heredity, spoken of in purely linear and modern-historical ways. This means that our modern world view tends to impose hegemony between oppositions aiming towards consensus that are not necessarily true, but rather reflects an alliance generated by contemporary discourse. This should tell us that modern terms do tend to be fragile, as all discourse are by nature fragile and volatile – subject for discursive change as they are. The fragmentation of truth into personal opinion and the social struggle between opposition in order to reach truth testifies to the difficulty of discovering what is really in a name, a term and a concept. Because t...

Malakim Veneris Or; the Angels of Venus

Para ler este texto em Português, por favor clique aqui The Divine Feminine intrigues and mesmerizes the beholder. Women as keeper of Natures Arcana Arconorum are repeatedly vested in green and red, the robes of whores and queens, fairies and gentry of all kinds. She is North and she is Water, she is the cave and the tension of darkness. She is the moment of death and the unfolding of Nature in masks and guises of all forms and fashion. She is Rowan and she is Willow, the bleeding rose hanging within the wild greenwood. The rune ‘ken’ is at times associated with the power of the Rowan and its reddish wood, speaking of blood and lust, like the willow speaks of the comforting greatness and solace of woman. Woman is mystery, comfort and annihilation, like the three stellar Mary’s (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) composing the belt of the Great hunter, Orion, speaks of. As such she is the girdle of protection, the secret thread of the warrior’s waist. As time degenerates and the divin...