Constantly we allow ourselves to be defined by the other, a natural dance between potential and becoming where the Self gradually reveals itself, a mysterious core that it is own cause and effect. Knowledge of Self leads to acceptance and acceptance of this knowledge leads to mastery of self. In Mastery of Self we find the Focus of Life where devil and saint is twined on the same axis and generates peace. Mastery of Self comes with simplicity and compassion, naturally, effortlessly, because there is nothing to defend from the threat of the other. Life is a series of changes and life is very much like a river as Lao Tzu perceived it. The more we flow with the current and seek to understand and take interest in its movements instead of resisting it the more we will stay as the captain of our Soul. We are constantly bombarded with opinions and judgments and it is not always so easily to not take it personally. But an opinion is a judgment formed by one perceiver of a limited seri