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Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2010

The Litany of St. Michael, Heavenly Physician

St. Michael, the Archangel is in Al Quran said to be covered with hair-like tongues all over his body who pleads for the mercy of Allah on behalf of sinners. He is Palo Mayombe Kimbisa equated with Zarabanda, the mpungo who forges spirit from the world of matter. He is in Haitian Vodou intimately linked with Ogou Badagri and St. George while in Kimbanda he is the divine support of Exu Rei. St. Michael is the patron of the Church and of Knighthood and presides over the rites of exorcism/purification. This role gives him a unique knowledge and dominion of the infernal realms and dimensions of creation. He is the angel who guards the crossroad where night meets day. He is balance and manifest as the Sun wakes up in the sign of Libra. He is the ever victorious knight saving the Virgin from the forces of corruption.    He is the patron of Moses and Solomon and Lord of thunder and lightening. He is the voice of inspiration and prophecy. He is the celestial rebellion that secu

Understanding Forgiveness

Forgiveness, to give up, to grant, to give to marriage – is an act of mercy that question our worth and our hubris, our attachment and our sense of destiny. To ‘for give’, to ‘give up’ ones agony and resentment, it is about giving. And giving is a good thing, a good thing which hides in forgiveness. Personally I am divided concerning forgiveness. On one side it is an act of divine mercy that speaks through you and on the other it also reflects your own insane sense of distorted self importance and worth. I have question myself lately concerning this, because I have noticed that there is one trespassing in my past that I have problems to overcome. The fruits of the trespassing I cherish, but somehow I feel that perpetrator needs my forgiveness. This is my pride speaking, it is my Sun which is out of course and tells me that one mans opinion matters – I defend myself and say, his opinion had consequences – and today I ask myself, does it matter? The scenery is well known, the situatio

Invisible Fire

Invisible Fire explores Western esoteric traditions with quite profound implications, revealing the true 'inner tradition' within Western Magical lore for the first time and drawing upon an array of highly arcane sources and teachings within the Gnostic and High Magical streams inherited from the Middle Ages and antiquity. The book is written from a traditional perspective as reflected in the greater mystery of Seth. Seth being the vehicle for the angel Raziel, the divine secret, reveals within veil upon veil how true tradition remains as a silent and reference of sustenance for the world. Seth was given the celestial secrets and thus the mystery of all possibilities prior to its manifestation, the very secret of how to understand creation. The Holy Spirit that gives the flame of prophecy and dreams marks the presence of the spirit of Seth. Given the transcendent perspective the book will dazzle as it widens the horizon of possibilities from the all possible. The book can b

Pegadas de um Bruxo

A linguagem dos nossos sonhos reflete nossa verdadeira essência ... - Bosh, o Jardim (centro) Com um novo livro sobre bruxaria prestes a vir à tona, chegam os ventos quentes das especulações. Alguns o fazem por temor que as máscaras possam cair, outros porque ‘devem’ ter uma impressão precisa sobre o caráter do autor para informar o rebanho, e ainda outros que se ocupam simplesmente com o preconceito cego. A maledicência tem sido moeda corrente no mercado da crença, em especial das ‘religiões’ que ainda buscam solo para expandir suas raízes. Uma das especulações que estão em alta é a de que o autor do livro Ars of the Night (Artes da Noite), do autor Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold , trabalhe um tipo de híbrido que ele gosta de chamar de Bruxaria Tradicional. Outra, mais nova, tenta descaracterizar, mais uma vez, o que é reconhecido internacionalmente como Bruxaria Tradicional, inclusive nos países de onde se originam as crenças que estas pessoas se orgulham em estar conec

The Secret Abundance of Slander

The bad and the good walks hand in hand, they are bedfellows and intimate companions. Where you find the curses coiling you will find blessings blazing. Sometimes the world is like a tug of war between extreme points just to maintain equilibrium and it is in this space of personal opinion, faulty thought and foul emotional odors directed against the objects of envy great blessings are born and made fruitful. Envy that takes the shape of resentment, gossip and the whole array of the works of ‘the evil eye’ tells you that you are noticed. The crawlers reveling in dung and sewage are there to do their work, to fertilize the ground you walk. So, bless your opponents and greet them with awe and joy! They are the earth of your fire, your air and your water. They make the triune harmony. This is a mystery so great, because when slander is directed towards us our reaction is aggressive, it is a reaction we give towards any intruder and vermin, we want to see it perish, not knowing that it