St. Michael, the Archangel is in Al Quran said to be covered with hair-like tongues all over his body who pleads for the mercy of Allah on behalf of sinners. He is Palo Mayombe Kimbisa equated with Zarabanda, the mpungo who forges spirit from the world of matter. He is in Haitian Vodou intimately linked with Ogou Badagri and St. George while in Kimbanda he is the divine support of Exu Rei. St. Michael is the patron of the Church and of Knighthood and presides over the rites of exorcism/purification. This role gives him a unique knowledge and dominion of the infernal realms and dimensions of creation. He is the angel who guards the crossroad where night meets day. He is balance and manifest as the Sun wakes up in the sign of Libra. He is the ever victorious knight saving the Virgin from the forces of corruption. He is the patron of Moses and Solomon and Lord of thunder and lightening. He is the voice of inspiration and prophecy. He is the celestial rebellion that secu