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Mostrando postagens de julho, 2010

O Espírito da Ausência

 (click here to read it in English) Às vezes, expressões verdadeiramente bizarras de verdades eternas são manifestas em uma cacofonia profana da teosofia voluntariosa e infernal que pretende levar a alguma forma de gnose ou conhecimento. Uma dessas expressões é relacionada com a perspectiva ‘wiccana’ sobre Lilith, onde ela é vista como uma Mãe, igual a quaisquer outras deusas, e todas elas são mães. É necessário esclarecer o termo genérico ‘Mãe’. A idéia metafísica inerente à maternidade é claramente relacionada com o útero. A Mãe, por conseguinte, tem como premissa fundamental a posse de um útero. Como tal, a natureza é a manifestação principal da possibilidade divina. Ela é o útero do mundo, que torna a vida possível. Se aceitarmos isso como uma premissa satisfatória para a referência da mãe, também temos que levar em conta a condição deste ventre ser fértil ou estéril. É aqui que podemos nos aproximar de Lilith, pela sua essência ser definida pela ausência. Ela é a pomba sagra...

The Spirit of Absence

At times truly bizarre expressions of timeless truths manifest in a profane cacophony of infernal wayward theosophy that pretends to lead to some form of gnosis or knowledge. One such expression concerns itself with a ‘wiccan’ perspective on Lilith where she is seen as a Mother, equal to any other goddesses, which all are mothers. The generic ‘Mother’ is in need for some clarification. The metaphysical idea inherent in motherhood is clearly related to the womb. Mother will therefore in its fundamental premise which makes it possible be a reference to the possession of a womb. As such nature is the prime manifestation of the divine possibility. She is the womb of the world that makes life possible. If we accept this as a satisfactory premise for someone to be referred to as a Mother we will also be challenged by the womb fertile and barren. It is here we can approximate Lilith by her essence being defined by absence. She is the holy dove unfolding in the ebb and flow of the Moon. She...

Fragments of the Truth

Tradition proper is at times challenging to appraise truthfully for modern man. We as modern people in a modern world is often blinded by senses and matter and often materialization of eternal ideas can baffle us into appraising ‘the thing as it appears’ as ‘the thing in itself’. This is in particular evident in the modern glorification of manifestation. So great has been the spirit of manifestation that even idealist philosophers have made errors of judgment that has paved the way for a lower order appraisal of eternal truths in a reversed order of importance and reality. One example we can find in the profane appraisal of Hegel’s political philosophy. Hegel is most famous for his comment on Kant’s Critique of Pure reason where he set forth the triad of thesis and antithesis to reach synthesis, which for the idealist Hegel would be of a transcendental order. Ironically Hegel presented this argument once in his commentaries and it was actually Johann Fichte who were the one who deve...