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Mostrando postagens de março, 2015

Fraud, Forgery and an Illuminating Clarification

I feel I need to make a public declaration concerning a matter that came to my attention today.  Apparently someone is circulating pre-approved application forms to be a member of The Illuminati as a part of a money scam. For some reason the criminal have cut out my seal and signature from some charter I made a decade and a half ago and simply pasted this into the document making me de facto some sort of illuminate boss by forgery and against my will. I state that this document is not from me and if anyone can assist in tracing the trail and provide solid information that can be used in a process, I will prosecute the culprit. Also, let me state that I am not a member of The Illuminati or the New World Order, never was and will never be. See below the forgery:   

Bruxaria Civilizada

“Quão adestrados nos tornamos. Quão educados quanto a nossa bruxaria. Em nosso desejo de não prejudicar ninguém nos tornamos inofensivos... uma bruxa é o que você encontra ao final de um dedo apontado." - Peter Grey E, de fato, quão adestrada a Arte se tornou e o quanto deveria ser adestrada e civilizada? A Bruxa deveria ser notada por sua presença dócil no mundo e sua adesão às leis forjadas numa sociedade com pavor da natureza? Se sim, qual é o ponto desta Ofício e Arte que fascina os boêmios e os livres de espírito na busca de Si? Bruxaria de verdade tem de algum modo perdido suas presas e garras hoje em favor de muitos tipos de gnose que fazem da bruxa uma participante compreensiva no cosmos, o que pessoalmente acredito que seja importante, porque expande a substância essencial do sangue-bruxo em todas as oito direções da criação. Estas formas de gnose beneficiam imensamente a bruxa, mas uma bruxa ainda é uma bruxa e a prova da bruxa jaz no sangue. Mas a bruxa...

Civilized Witchcraft

“How tame we have become. How polite about our witchcraft. In our desire to harm none we have become harmless… a witch is what you find at the end of a pointed finger. “ - Peter Grey -            And indeed, how tame the Craft have become and should it be tame and civilized? Should the Witch be noticed by its docile presence in the world and its adherence to laws forged in a society in dismay of nature? If so, what is the point of this Craft and Art that mesmerizes the bohemians and free spirited ones in search of their Self? I took notice a few weeks ago that a spokesman of Traditional Wicca here in Brazil circulated a denounce of animal sacrifice in the name of the ‘old gods’ – excepting African and Afro derived tradition from this – encouraging people to go to the authorities when they witnessed such heinous acts. Apparently some pagan and neo pagan groups had given blood and meat to their gods instead of wine, water, flowers and bread whic...