Ifá is a faith that venerates the morning dew – because the dew is soft and invisible and in secret ways fertilizes the greenwood with the elixirs of night, because it is in the night Onile (the spirit of Earth)seeks her rejuvenation and brings forth all possibility under the rays of the Sun. Ifá sees the world as a marketplace, a place where transactions occur, where all possibility gathers into opportunity taken or lost. The marketplace is made up of the 256 cosmic vibrations called odu – or more correctly, omo odu – which are manifested fractals of light in meeting with darkness. These vibrations give identity and substance to all things that are and can possibly become. Ifá speaks of the beauty of diversity and the possibility of harmonious gatherings – but in this we also have the possibility of feud, war and misunderstandings. A feud occurs when one substance experiences a collision with another substance – in this lies a failure to see landscape and horizon and in ...