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Mostrando postagens de abril, 2009

The Starcarved Stone

“The bodies made from matter are diverse. Some are from earth, some from water, some from air, some from fire. All is compounded of parts, some more complex, others simpler. The more complex are heavier, and the simpler lighter. The rapid motion of the turning cosmos produces the varied qualities of beings. The blast of air from this is continuous and lends qualities to bodies as well as the abundance of life” - Corpus Hermeticum 9:7 Man is a stone and on this stone the stars carve their signatures creating a stone unique in placement and constitution. A stone is solid and still and as such man is constantly attempting to solidify it self in a process that leads towards what we call identity. Man appears to have a drift or need towards a stabile form, a notion that is illusory and result in nausea and frustration when movement or change occur. Mans mortality creates this illusory need for being solid, while the created cosmos man is a part of is founded on immortality and movement. The...

Oh Beloved Enemy of Mine

I have this neighbor who is a thief and a cowardly murderer. He has clearly a mental condition reminiscent of, if not, sociopathic personality disorder. He is naturally greatly despised in the neighborhood and all this hatred he holds for himself and others, all this fear and insanity of course piles up and develops into bad character. This form of bad character is in Ifá called ibi inú. This would signify a condition of great resistance towards what is good and a great acceptance of what is bad and negative. One day this neighbor pulled a knife on my wife. His submissive son, standing on the side with a scythe, helped to enhance the threat. It all went well, no one got hurt. To cut a long story short. This situation was the culmination of a series of events that begun with stopping this man from trespassing in our land and steal from us. It was followed by a long period of sabotage of light, water and road - and of course gossips about our evil constitution, like he attempted to trans...

Gacela of the Dark Death

I want to sleep the dream of the apples, to withdraw from the tumult of cemetries. I want to sleep the dream of that child who wanted to cut his heart on the high seas. I don't want to hear again that the dead do not lose their blood, that the putrid mouth goes on asking for water. I don't want to learn of the tortures of the grass, nor of the moon with a serpent's mouth that labors before dawn. I want to sleep awhile, awhile, a minute, a century; but all must know that I have not died; that there is a stable of gold in my lips; that I am the small friend of the West wing; that I am the intense shadows of my tears. Cover me at dawn with a veil, because dawn will throw fistfuls of ants at me, and wet with hard water my shoes so that the pincers of the scorpion slide. For I want to sleep the dream of the apples, to learn a lament that will cleanse me to earth; for I want to live with that dark child who wanted to cut his heart on the high seas. Federico Garcia Lorca

To take Death on as an Advisor

Don Juan told to Castaneda that the warrior chooses Death while the common man chooses immortality. The warrior takes on Death as an advisor and thus the annihilation of self importance, assuming responsibility and erasing personal history becomes the heart of the art of the warrior. What we should understand by this observation is that the warrior who chooses Death as the Advisor is refusing to succumb to the dream of loosing life, which motivates those who are choosing to live forever. They are choosing to walk the path of illusion and at the threshold to the other side they will be overcome with dread and fear. The warrior who has walked side by side with Death will at the crossing realize the profound peace of entering the castle. The consequences of consciously accepting Death as ones Advisor are dire as the realization of ones worth need to be addressed and many of Death’s aspirants succumb to the protective mechanisms of our personal construct, often called ego as it virtually a...

The Anatomy of the Archetype

- A Critique of C.G. Jung and his impact on modern magical thinking. “The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” “The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.” “Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.” - C.G. Jung In this article an attempt of presenting the legacy of Jung as it has been inducted into the modern occult thinking will be presented. This means that there will be no distinctions made between the pattern of thinking of Jung himself, as clearly towards his death and the manifestation of the text Seven Sermons for the Dead to present a mature Gnostic vision of the world. This critique is as such aimed towards the heritage Jung left with the occult world and it is therefore by proxy an example of my own schooling in the discipline of psychology. First there is need t...

The Hieroglyph of Exu Mor

Kimbanda is the fruition of multiple sorcerous impulses that were running through time in Brazil. In spite of much disagreement of the origin of kimbanda we can at least say that it was given a particular place with the formation of Umbanda in the 1920s. This was quite natural as Umbanda started as a syncretistic attempt focusing on uniting Kardecism or Spiritsm, Christianity, native folk magic and Afro-cults. Umbanda was founded as a consequence of the spiritst Zelio channeling of a message of unification from his caboclo (Indian). In this work of unification there were also made room for diabolic spirits and practices referred to as black magic or macumba in those days. The kingdom at the left hand of God, kimbanda was established and understood on Kardecist principles where the elevation by the power of light and charity was essential. In this fashion kimbanda became a cluster of helpful albeit perverse spirits that were seen as depending of the umbandista for engaging into...

Aquele que tem paciência tem a tudo

English version Ifá, a fé tradicional dentre os povos de língua Iorubá é um somatório de tesouros de recomendações práticas de como conduzir sua vida para que se alcance a felicidade e a realização; a meta prometida para qualquer um que ousar abraçar seu destino. Quando Ifá fala de guerra , por exemplo, fala também sobre coragem e retirada, como fala da importância de se manter uma mente calma e da importância da paciência. Nesta última semana, como o Sol, Mercúrio e Vênus estiveram vagando ao redor do signo de Áries, notei muita raiva. Não direcionada à mim, mas uma raiva social, em uma variedade de tons. Nesta manhã acordei com o Sol, e um sentimento de paz precipitou-se de minha cabeça para baixo, e eu pensei comigo 'como sou feliz ao ser uma pessoa pacífica' – e então me lembrei de um provérbio de Ifá: “Ìbìnù Kó sè Ohùnkóhun Ìwà Sùsù Ní Ohùn Gbògbò”. Significa; “a raiva não alcança a nada. A paciência é a coroa do caráter e das realizações. Aquele que possui paciência, pos...

O Temor da Matéria

English version Nos fragmentos filosóficos particularmente longos do filósofo dinamarquês Soeren Kierkegaard (1813 -1855) encontramos: “observe, o sofrimento do homem não é sua morte, mas sua vida toda é uma história de sofrimento; e é o amor que sofre, o amor que se dá do nada. Que admirável renúncia!” Com isto ele está lamentando a morte do amor, e como o desespero e temor tomou seu lugar. A modernidade encontra seu significado no sofrimento. Vivemos em um mundo sob controle negativo, sempre há demandas e códigos de conduta que nos são dados pela nossa sociedade ou de nossa história pessoal, e nos engajamos neles para evitarmos a punição. O amor se tornou um servente egoísta de necessidades imediatas e um escape de manipulação. Kierkegaard via o temor da morte tomando o lugar do amor, Sartre viu a asfixia entrando na cena e para Nietzsche a conclusão era que o bem estava morto. Pois certamente, se Deus é Amor e amor não é sofrimento e auto-engano – o Deus dos antigos morreu com a ...

He who has Patience will have All Things

Versão em Português Ifá, the traditional faith amongst the Yoruba speaking people is a treasure trove of practical recommendations of how to conduct your life in order to reach happiness and fulfillment; the promised goal for anyone who dare embrace its destiny. When Ifá speaks of warfare for instance it also speaks about courage and retreat as it speaks of the importance of maintaining a calm mind and the importance of patience. The last week or so, as Sun Mercury and Venus has been fooling around in the sign of Aries, I have noticed a lot of anger. Not directed towards me, but social anger of a variety of shades. This morning I woke up with the Sun and a feeling of peace rushing from my head and down and I thought to myself, ‘how happy I am to be a peaceful person’ – and then I remembered the Ifá proverb. Ìbìnù Kó sè Ohùnkóhun Ìwà Sùsù Ní Ohùn Gbògbò. It means transliterated that; “anger does not accomplish anything. Patience is the crown of character and achievements. Those who pos...

The Dread of Matter

Versão em Português In the rather lengthy Philosophical fragments the Danish philosopher Soeren Kierkegaard (1813 -1855) said: “ behold the man His suffering is not that of his death, but this entire life is a story of suffering; and it is love that suffers, the love which gives all itself in want. What wonderful self-denial!” With this he is lamenting the death of love and how despair and dread has taken its place. Modernity is signified by suffering. We live in a world under negative control, there are always demands and codes of conduct given to us from our society or from our personal history we engage into in order to avoid punishment. Love has become a selfish servant of immediate needs and an outlet of manipulation. Kierkegaard saw the dread taking the place of love, Sartre saw the asphyxia entering the scene and for Nietzsche the conclusion was that god was dead. For certainly, if God is Love and love is now suffering, and self deception - the God of the ancients died with the...