“The bodies made from matter are diverse. Some are from earth, some from water, some from air, some from fire. All is compounded of parts, some more complex, others simpler. The more complex are heavier, and the simpler lighter. The rapid motion of the turning cosmos produces the varied qualities of beings. The blast of air from this is continuous and lends qualities to bodies as well as the abundance of life” - Corpus Hermeticum 9:7 Man is a stone and on this stone the stars carve their signatures creating a stone unique in placement and constitution. A stone is solid and still and as such man is constantly attempting to solidify it self in a process that leads towards what we call identity. Man appears to have a drift or need towards a stabile form, a notion that is illusory and result in nausea and frustration when movement or change occur. Mans mortality creates this illusory need for being solid, while the created cosmos man is a part of is founded on immortality and movement. The...