Many of us seek magical solutions when life
gets hard, but in truth no ‘God’ will not give you what you can’t give yourself,
nor give what you can attain by your own divine effort and honest assessment of
a situation that reveals the tools and solutions.
When life gets rough some of us run towards
someone who claims to possess powers or are in the league with some powerful
spirit – or makes part of the right ‘party’ or ‘religion’. The common requests
are about binding an unwilling object of desire, to get rid of mess you
yourself created or to get out of a situation you yourself authored.
All this is fine, magic can bind an unwilling
lover and silence any opposition, but unless honesty in what is going on is
exercised, it will all be just a band aid.
As a person who do magic works for people I
avoid trashing or blaming the client for ineffective works - because it does
happens – but when you are there rubbing your beard wondering why the
technology applied that always worked did not worked this time – you also start
to assemble the steps you took and the request or intent given. Sometimes you
realize you had too little information and made a work less precise that needs
correction. Other times you realize that the desire and explanation given to
you was not really truthful. It was more about a desire, thwarted in its
linings, hence the goal was missed. As a coach and a therapist I have seen this
with some frequency, what we want and what we need to get what we want, are not
always beating the same drum…
So, let me say this; A magical work is a
careful analysis of the situation and its bonds, the assessment of what is
truly wished for and then to start to work these bonds with care and attention.
In truth it is a natural, yet occult practical philosophy that lies at the root
in how to understand and manipulate forces and vibrations, sentiments and
desires against the lattices and matrixes of what is possible to manifest.
This means that when the intent is presented
with deceptive information; deceptive the result will be and this is why the
beginning of any successful magical work will start with some form of
divination. In doing this the situation stated is gaining light by external
forces (ideas, spirits, planets etc) or subliminal forces (your own daimon,
kako and/or agathao). In doing this we establish a full landscape of forces
active in the field that we seek to solve and in gaining this bigger picture
and greater landscape we can realize what is truly at play. So for instance,
the most popular request when it comes to magical workings, ‘bring my lover
back to me’ is never as simple as making a padé to Pomba Gira and make the
binding spell on top of the gifts. We need to get a bit more zen and realistic
with what is going on when we deal with the world of spirits, because as above
so below and that goes for all four sides of the compass. A relationship and an
interaction are ruled by similar forces and sentiments it be between factors
just material or factors spanning dimensions, visible an invisible. It is all
about the bond we make, the favours we gain and use, our character and
exploitation of others to seek our own pleasure and end.
Let us continue with the most popular of spell
requests, ‘lover come back to me’. It is in its proposition complicated,
because in seeking to have your lover back you do need to address your own
love, behaviour, attitudes and how you guarded this love as much as you need to
be aware of how this love slipped out from your hands. Because if you don’t
have love to give to yourself, how can you demand this from another? It is a
thwarted bond and in this we find a breaking point and the bonds involved there
that should be worked, not the desire to bind someone to you, because something
‘other’ would perhaps bring desire into realization. Likewise, another popular
request is about court cases. So Joe made a scam and was caught; now Joe wants
to get rid of the energies he attracted. That is something that can be easily
done, but it is done more easily when the scam is admitted instead of
presenting things like, ‘oh but I had the right to those belongings that’s why
I stole them’. In this additional
information we will work very different magical solutions, to make an innocent
man clean and make a guilty man run free is both rooted in justice and law, but
the occult methodology will be very, very different. Yet, no work should be met
with judgment, we all want something good for ourselves, yet in reaching for
what is good, honesty is truly important so what is really at play can be tuned
and brought into motion and the song of joy…
This means that expectation is the Mother of
disappointment, because when your desire is to have the return of your long
lost lover in passionate embrace manifest in renewed contact we tend to be
disappointed instead of seeing the seed of success - and disappointment as well
as excess of desire are forces that spill and destroy results. Magic can at
times be a slow process and several small precise works to adjust something is
often better than a bomb giving casualties.
A work of Magic is a delicate thing and as any
statistical analysis, as any surgery a margin of error, of the unexpected must
be calculated. The more precise our
diagnostic and choice of tools are the better and more precise the outcome will
For spirit related workings it is all about our
relationship with spirit and our understanding of the given spirit that will
dictate the outcome. A Babalawo that never tend to his orisas will naturally
have slower, no result or unwanted results from a Babalawo that tend to his
spirits daily. It all lies in the relationship. The friend you freeload on will
at some time close his door on you; it is really as easy as that. Be a person
of honour and character and you can do wonders.
The rest is about your aptitude to understand these secret bonds that
moves beneath the world and makes it come alive.
And thus by the virtue of magic and the logical
sequence of this article, speaking of Spirit Workers, we have some spirit
workers we should sort of forget. But this being said when any kind of market
is open the charlatans tend to stumble in to see how they can take advantage,
so beside watching the Spirit Workers character and the resonance involved in
it all there are three types we should avoid, because any Spirit Worker
reflecting any of these three forms have no real understanding of the magic
that moves magic.
So for you who are searching Spirit Workers to
do magic for you, here are a few advises concerning some typical characters we find out there:
The ‘100% Guarantee’
The only guarantee life gives is that you will
die. These spirit workers that promise 100% are clueless and believe they are
the Masters of the Universe. If you go to court you have a 50/50, if you go to
surgery, even a small one, you have a 70% of success – I would say magic maneuverered
well is having a generally high success rate – but 100%... no one can give you
that, not even statistics, there is always’ the third factor’ the force we
never calculate with that makes nothing 100%.
The ‘I have God/Satan
on my side’ dude
Well, the proposition is really not ok, but we
have many of them. Oh I am this, I am that, I have worked this and that spirit
for years, now I can help you, Exu bought me a house, Sango tore down my
enemies…. It just goes on and on; please don’t fall for these kinds of polemic
where you submit to someone who claims to hold superior powers. Some do have
god given powers, but those who hold them will never speak of themselves in
such ways, rather they tend to be simple and modest people realizing that they
are what they are because of the relationship and gift they hold to the gift
and spirit. It makes the Spirit Worker modest in the greatness of possibility
and tends to take the shape of compassion and generosity.
The ‘By giving you
Fear you give me Money’ dude
If you are purchasing a work and you are met
immediately with something of the effect that ‘there is a great curse upon
you’, please seek a second opinion. It might be, but believe me; it is
extremely rare, because there are so few people out there that actually have
spirit contact enough or knowledge enough to cast an efficient curse. What I
have found in examining many such cases is that what Ifá calls Ibí Egùn, a
family curse that reveals itself in the repetition of dysfunctional patterns or
a self-curse that reveals itself in acting against one’s better judgment or
knowledge. Don’t buy the curse just like that.
And so; if you fell for one of these charlatans
in the marketplace, so what? No crisis, maybe some pennies less in your pocket,
but also a lesson wiser and a capacity for discernment brighter. It is ok to
have hopes and desires, to want and to seek completion. Sometimes there is a
troll at the bridge masking as a sage, take it, get it and leave it. A lesson
wiser always makes you … well…. wiser…
And also, we should remember that no one can
give what they don’t have for themselves, so a person who has no love in his or
her life, how can this person help you bring love into someone else’s life? A
person that repeatedly struggle with paying rent, how can he or she help you
with magic aiming towards monetary increase? As above, so below, what we fix in
life also mirrors a symmetry and harmony in the invisible realms amidst spirits
and stars.
What I want to demonstrate or speak of here as
a conclusion is that by instinct or hope, by desire or hopelessness we tend to
acknowledge that there is more between ‘heaven’ and earth that only us. In
doing a magical work, in asking for a magical work being done we realize that
we are not in total control of life. Hence the percentages of unpredictability
in doing a magical work finds its life and purpose in this same margin of
uncertainty where we can realize goals and miracles, in this liminal space where
the visible and invisible meet one hand washes the other as we bring one another
forward on this adventurous journey we know as life and the more we are struck
with awe the more modest we tend to become, and the more in touch with spirit
we are the more the spirit of generosity and good will tend to appear, because if
your life gets better, my life gets better, your successful solution to a
problem might be a remedy for others.