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The Signs of the Times

When catastrophes hits locations of spiritual prominence, such as Haiti in these days, with New Orleans fresh in memory people naturally ask the question, “why?”. From asking about the whys and the reasons some peculiar ideas surfaces, one of those being what is posed by the Haitian consul in Brazil, Gerge S. Antoine, who suggest that the earthquake might be the consequence of sorcerous activity. Likewise brothers and sisters of Faith question if the practitioners themselves have acted against the Faith and unleashed a form of wrath from beyond.

If we look to traditional doctrine I believe the truth surfaces in sad shapes turning this event into a sign of the times. Accepting the cyclical manifestation of material history and its gradual degradation caused by the revolt of the royal warriors, this is largely referred to as “the fall”. The fall caused the axis of the celestial center to move, leading to the poles being inverted. The inversion of the poles leads to yet another consequence natural to its descending movement, namely that the murky forces of chaos and iron threaten to break in to the sacred centre. In the 18th sure we read how Dhul Qarnaya raised a wall around the sacred centre to keep these turbulent and rebellious forces out. But as time passes and the degeneration of sacred science drives the world into the dark age of spirituality the fissures in the wall gets bigger and these destructive forces seeps in and naturally they seek to destroy the few vestiges of tradition left in this Kali Yuga.

Disasters such as these are of course saddening and the heart do break, especially for us who has spiritual family in Haiti, but perhaps the pain is easier to understand, and through understanding the pain is more easy to take. Again, if we turn our attention to the traditional worldview and the cyclical unfolding of history we see the benefic and malefic hand in hand as they generate the consequences of the fall towards its end. And in the end lies the renewal and return. The Golden promise of rectification which brings everything back to the Principle and from this the reestablishment of the primordial state.

So, my point is, there is no curse, there is no unexplained forces at play, there is no angry Lwa that attempts to manifest its anger upon people. It is quite the opposite, vestiges of traditional doctrine is given blows all over the world, it be by capitalist corruption, political wickedness or the use of nature to disguise the rebellious actions taking place outside the wall.

With this my prayers goes out to the upholders of faith in Haiti in this time of tribulation and immense hardship. Aybobo!

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