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The Legacy of Cain & Modern Saints

Cain - First born of Eve with Samael, beloved by Eve’s midwife Lilith
Cain - First Sorcerer and the beginning and end of all corruption by motion.
Cain - Mysterious child of Azazel, -spawned by Lilith and then given to Eve.  
Cain - Son of Lilith begotten through the light and seed of Adam, nursed and raised by Eve. Cain - Accursed son of Even begotten by the seed of Shemyaza
Cain - Nursed by Lilith, his mother and wife.
Cain - Ancestor of cymbals and tong who made the anvil and coals his throne
Cain - Man of Nod and Exile, forger of weapons and jewelry
Great Father of Beauty and Seduction
Are you not Legion and One?
Cain - Father of my Blood - my accursed ecstasy you are!
My Hand, Eye, Heritage and Land you are! Amen!

Cain and his pivotal role in the first murder and sacrifice are crucial and integral to the mystery of the worlds. In the apocryphical text The Penitence of Adam we read that the consummation of the fruit that gave knowledge of good and evil led to a rupture in the worlds and a crack in the cosmic fabric.  The consequence for mankind was the illusion of dualism caused by the rupture that fragmented our perception of the worlds and being. This was the beginning of seeing the poles of mutual support as counter to each other and not as complementary. This was the beginning of the need fire represented by Cain and how he by the fire of need gave his brother’s blood to the Mothers of the Earth. A sacrifice to the gods before mortal men…

From this primordial act so demonized and hated – and then again repeated by Jesus the Christ and Judas Iskariotes – vilified and demonized in same manner – we find the mystery of being and return bound into one. We find the mystery of betrayal and need flowing through the world like the axis that binds John of the Gospel and John the Baptist together in the apocalypse of the third John – of the Dragon - because the blood of the Dragon is at the heart of the mystery.

Cain was the one holding the blood of angels. Some say, it was Liliths blood, others ascribe this bloodied pedigree to Shemyaza, Azazel or some other apostate angels. The amounts of myths are quite numerous if we look at the theme of brothers and bloodshed.  From a traditional perspective this theme speaks of the act that moves the pole of the world to establish time and thus it must go from gold to decay before the original state is yet again established.  The original state implies the perception of oneness and how it leads to qualified manifestations we perceive as fragmented and disparate given our distance from source.

This distance gives rise to a host of theories, some in harmony with tradition proper and many not so much so. For instance we find claims today that a dualistic Luciferian tradition has been preserved amongst heretical sects and societies of a Gnostic orientation since the 1st Century.  No matter how much we would like to believe this, this is inaccurate. At the earliest a Luciferian Tradition as such was born by Jerome’s translation of Heylel in Isaiah 14:12 with Lucifer, with a capital L in 405. For Jerome Lucifer, Phosphorus, Morningstar and Satan were all practically the same – meaning idolatry and something evil, going counter to truth. So, from Jerome’s translation of the Bible, known as Vulgate in 405 and to King James Version we find the idea of Heylel/Lucifer/Satan growing from two occurrences in Vulgate to 165 in King James Version of the Bible – always in relation to sin and depravity.

Unfortunately this gave way for the idea of the existence of a Luciferian Tradition hooked upon Cain as a fiery rebellious antinomian father of depraved witches and sorcerers, while indeed he represented the fire of need. I feel this aspect is often forgotten in the glorification of murder, coals and weaponry – that there is a purpose behind it all. And this is how we recognize the flame of Lucifer in a brotherhood, by the purposeful rebellion. Here we find the seed of Cain as bringer of light, by going against the current.  

In this; let us establish the possibility that indeed the Latin Phosphorous gave way for the translation of Lucifer – the bringer of Light and that we find this fiery mercurial form here integral to the witches’ mythos and ethos. As I have tried to demonstrate in Invisible Fire the greater purpose behind the fall is the redemption and restoration of the original Saturnine state – the coming of the golden age. It is this process Cain instigated by making the needed sacrifice. Cain, a farmer, shedding blood was by itself to go against the grain and by doing this he was naturally filled with a certain fire – the same fire we all feel when we transgress in whatever way this is done, because we all seek freedom and knowledge in whatever way we understand it. 

Since transgression in itself releases a fire similar – and quite often similar to the fire of need – as we find at the heart of the rune naud – it is easy to make errors of attribution where the act is glorified and the purpose forgotten. And I believe a true Luciferian will always have an idea of why he or she is doing what he or she is doing - no matter how vague - there is an idea behind that aims toward union and mutality. 

We find today the true legacy of Cain living all over the world, by his restless exile and mission of establishing cities all over the world – he also spread his blood, seed, name and legacy wherever he went… This means; the witch blood is not a British or European phenomena – it is a mystery that stretches across poles and crossroads everywhere.

It is in the nature of the Cainites to point fingers to one another and say: you are not my brother or sister as much as we can embrace each other as sisters, brothers and lovers.

I do feel the Cainite mystery holds two hands, equally important. One is the mysterious hand of the blood and its pact and oath – but the other is about its presence, manifestation and legacy as it calls soul as much as blood. We speak of kindred in spirit – and here we find the rebellious ones with a purpose. We find modern day apostate saints that brings across a revolution of sorts, it be a Michael Gira, Jello Biafra, Annie Sprinkle, Lydia Lunch, William Burroughs, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Knut Hamsun, Michel Foucault, Andrew Chumbley or Robert Cochrane. What most of these modern day saintly Cainites have in common is the aspiration towards the crossroads of moral and law in societal institutions that dictates norms for normality. It is like modern day Cainites have assumed, knowingly or not, a social responsibility of being the spirit of rebellion that makes a difference – and it is in this field we meet. The meeting can be in the dungeons of desire, at lazy crossroads and in the active antinomian act where we hearken towards the liberation of light and knowledge to be unfolded in understanding and wisdom.

The modern day Cainite – the one with the blood of the fallen host do possess a fire, in its crude state it is often all consuming, but in time it will become a heat and the fire itself an all encompassing divine heat.

I believe that the Cainite Legacy is as varied as the myths of its becoming.  Some take on an angel as its pole star, others Lilith or one of her spawns, it be Tubal Cain, Na’amah or Asmodeus – wherever we find this flame of light so bright that it breaks vessels and reveals unique individuals - in various stages of maturity - that challenge with a purpose we find the spirit of Cain flying over earth and waters throwing glowing coals in the rushing blood of his offspring…         

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