You, dragon man of milk and blood
I see you in the shades and caverns of night
I see you in my hands and veins
You are child - dragon
And I am you - man
I walk the night
My veins hanging loose
You stretch up
To unite within & beyond earth
I hear serpent song and
I hear you
My friend and foe
My distant memory of light
That fell to earth
I take you, my child
My dragon, my master
I know your veins stretch into the flesh of earth
As my blood stretch to my heart
Whenever I see you see I see my last breath
And you are that and is
The breath itself
Stillness and stance beneath
My feet
You my dragon friend
My Dragon fiend
My whisper through the earth
My Brother
And my woman shredding her skin
To reveal the purple within
Open the roads and open the eyes
I am earth
And I am the silence whispering soothing spells
Upon my root
I am you and you are me
As we are he and we are she
They told me you were woman and you are
Beloved by Venus and Moon
But you are mine
Spine and 77 vertebras
This you are
In my transfiguration
Between mole and dirt
I clasp to your veins
And to your blood
And let myself sink in this night of nerves
Where you ride me, as he or she
And there I am – as You.
Your Wolf and your Flower
I am the rider of the dark forest
I am the scales of your body
The root of wisdom
As it paints the world in nerves and borders
I am yours – and we are here at the fig garden
At the end of the worlds
Where I hand down my sickle and
Ask night….
And there you are
I have seen you before
So many times
The root of Saturn himself
Searching the Lovely Lady
Making night itself your playground
And in this night I see
I am not brother, nor friend
But playground and
& with this
The night is at peace
…and Shades of