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Fate Flows in Liquid Space

 “I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living”

-         -  Anaïs Nin

I live in the woods, but I love the Ocean. I love the Ocean so much that I married her.  I am married to the Ocean, to La Siren and I have no fear of depth, but I have fear of the shallowness of disenchanted life. When She is moving your life you live always in a sanctuary of blood and waters where the profundity of the waters is never grasped. This is how our journey and destiny should be, a lantern showing the rainbow and pot of gold at the end of the liquid space of possibility. This is life. Life is not a road, it is space, aerial, liquid or fiery – but our terrestrial journey makes us often narrow in sight…

You can call it whatever you want:  it be your will, your destiny, the bane the Fates gave to you, your mission or vision, your curse and your blessing.  Nothing really changes from the celestial dictate that tells you are unique and singular. There is no equality – only individual lights in volcanic blossom or flickering and dying in the circuit of life.

I mean, if we go through life as we were the hero in our own incarnation we must at some point end up in the that still place where challenge and ordeal, blessing and reward gives the same amount of peace and exaltation.

Fate is a station; life is riddled with waymarks and signposts – all of them unique to you; star born and bedazzled pilgrim in this world of mystery. This is your world, your journey – your mysteries to venture within, your loves and locks to break and embrace…

Destiny is a full dish. Accept it and walk on, whatever parts you deny will surface again and detours will occur. What is not solved on this mysterious path of destiny will appear and reappear – so what is the solution, what is the compass that leads us towards destiny?

It is the willing drowning in the seductions of life and the joy occurring when we approaching life with utmost interest and abandonment. This is the nail at the compass, the flaming nail that is burning holes in the flesh of time and allows you to touch space, stars and the scales of the godhood…

Go deep – and when you are at those depths that shakes your soul that make your hopes tremble… go deeper, beyond the labyrinths of Oedipus and the gardens of Electra, go down to where the sea devil  throws of its own light and embrace the other so you can become the full circle. Go so deep that when life gets shallow you will gasp for air to sustain your life – and in this your purpose shall be found. So accept fate, take her hand and let her lead you to the mystery that is you….  So, let us say as ifá says in Eji Ogbe;

I lift up my arms and walk in joyous
I lift up my arms and walk with
Dignity and measured movement

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