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Invitation by Letter

Our world is a beautiful place and life is a mysterious journey. In this journey we meet friends and we meet fiends, we find guides and misguiders. It is a beautiful dance where we recreate ourselves in meeting with nature, others and self. We find avenues for harmonious gatherings in the beautiful meeting with the other and with others. 

If we walk the world in a spirit of interest, where we seek to understand, where we seek to find our kindred and understand our opponents – abundance and blessings will rage across the world in storms of honey and dew...

Our modern age is by many critiques and formers of opinion said to bring distance between people – but I say, let us breach distance and gather close! If we agree or disagree we are still a possible richness to one another and to the world.

In the not too distant past friendship and amity was sealed by letters, to put ink to the paper, to fold it and bring it into the envelope and getting it stamped so it could begin its journey of affection and thought to all corners of the world.

In our digital era the letters have become memories of times past, something charming – something intimate – that we lost. So, I would like to see if it is possible to rekindle ‘the spirit of the letter’ in inviting the readers of this blog to write me about their ponderings and curiosities, questions and musings with the prospect of turning this into a public (but yet anonymous) response in the format of a digital letter anchored in a given theme or question.

So, with this I invite by letter the cunning conversation and its sharing by writing me at: nicholaj@gmail.com

or by ink and paper to: 

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
C.P. 206 - centro
Extrema - MG
Cep: 37640-000

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