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A World of Dew and Darkness

The World is beautiful and wonderful, if we allow it to be so. Too often we get distracted from the beauty and goodness the World is and have to offer. When this loss of perspective happens, we lose sight of the landscape and our horizon shrinks into black dots in a garden of infinite beauty. The recognition of these black dots is fine as is the recognition of whatever undesired event that happens during a day. But when these incidents of darkness become a focus of interests we entertain with fervent passion in such way that it steals our attention, we block out the world and we integrate a limited passionate landscape, hot and dark. As passionate beings we engage and entertain. In this field an offering of melancholy or a dish of sour grapes is something we accept in great appetite.

At the end of the day, if our world is bleak and black, riddled with sadness and regret, it is the world we created and invited in and not the world as it is. It is a world made from poison and stings that restricts goodness and induces a false sense of bravery. No one can be adored by everyone as little as any mouse can be venerated by every cat.

We do tend to focus on the negative, the assholes and the shitheads, the player in the corner that seeks an advantage over us and whatever angry looser that moves us in erratic ways. These forms of being tend to steal our attention – as is the nature of these forms of presences – but they also steal the attention from what is good in this world and forces us to give attention to what restricts goodness. And it is truly sad, because everyone we meet have their battles, and our kindness and wickedness can make their battle more bearable or more of a burden.  A verse in the corpus of Ifá, Òfúndí, says:

The teachings of Ifá were interpreted
For Ol’Orí Ògá (Owner of a Brave Consciousness)
They said that anyone who restricts
Goodness to the house
Will never obtain goodness outside the house
They said she should sacrifice
So that goodness might flow into the house

The verse is related to a story that speaks of a person who is guarding herself against intrusion and negativity, against attack and wickedness, which is good in itself, but she entered into a mode of protection that made her see even friends as antagonists.Her sacrifice was about acceptance, an acceptance of diversity and to give up taking whatever said or done as an act aimed at her.

The verse speaks about accepting that no one is perfect and that the black spots in creation holds a certain force to move what is good to come into the forefront of our awareness. We can only do this in a spirit of acceptance where we remove our brave or protective Self consciousness and invite in diversity and challenge. What we perceive as wicked, might be inspired by kindness and care, what we perceive as kindness might be rooted in fear and control. We can only discern what is what if we possess a clear and calm mind, any decision made when the mind is hot or in a mode of protection will rarely hit the nail on the head, because a hot consciousness is an affliction of the soul. 

When we find ourselves in these situations, where we feel cornered and accused, it is for the sake of wickedness or kindness, don’t lose focus on the unending beauty of being. Because beauty is the rainbow that embraces the heaven as it is the snake that offered wisdom to Eve in the Garden. To give in, to give up, to keep and to let it spill is always a choice. A choice that makes part of this beautiful journey we make in a beautiful and perfect world; a beautiful world where our choices seem to be the cause of the only imperfections we perceive.

Of course, we can choose to focus on the desperation and wickedness in the world, even the destruction of the world. It is important to be aware of these realities, but when the wicked and negative take your attention it also steals goodness from your life.  If we entertain cataclysm, fear, worry and negativity we become a part of this negativity and cataclysmic spirit of worry and fear.  In inviting in these forces we construct a world of darkness that contract and invite protection, thorns and spikes. Is it true that bad things happen in the world? Yes! But is this where your full attention should rest? It is about focus. Acknowledge the bad, give a nod to wickedness, but give your attention to what is good, because in doing this you will not entertain fear and disaster, but nurture love and companionship. 

The world we forge from fear and wickedness is not the World, but a shadow created by a given focus and attention given to what oppresses us and challenges us. Attention given to moldy details that steal the attention we should give to friends, lovers and powers of harmony, because the World was after all forged upon harmony and gentleness, as another Ifá verse, Òságúndá, says:

Dews pouring lightly, pouring lightly
Were used to create the world
And likewise was done to create the earth
So that goodness of togetherness could
come forth at once
Indeed all goodness took the form of a
Gathering together in harmony

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