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Orisa statues and Spiritual Consulting at Sacred Alchemy Store

Sacred Alchemy Store is now offering a new service and a new product, Orisa Statues and Spiritual Consulting

We are now offering statues of orisas modeled on the Afro-Brazilian perception of orisa and their attributes. As with all our products these statues have also been subject for spiritual and magical treatment to ensure a given ray or vibration being emitted and attracted in accordance with the dynamis of the spiritual dignity it represents. In the case of the statues they have been washed in proper omi ero (herbal bath) and been subject for proper oriki (prayers) and orin (songs) so the statue itself becomes more than a decoration, it becomes a form that attracts a specific vibration.

These statues can be placed in shrines and be used as focus for veneration as they can be placed in specific locations with the purpose of attracting a particular energy.

In the picture from left to right: Ogun – Yemoja Mother of Pearls – Obatala – Yemoja - Esu

We are currently offering sixteen different orisas

Yemoja (mother of pearls/white hue)
Ologun Ede
Nana Buruku

This service is aimed towards giving guidance and counsel in your spiritual and/or religious practice.
It is a service for those who find themselves stuck in their practice, for those experiencing periods of confusion or disillusion, it is religious or spiritual, as much as for those who have many doubts and questions they seek answers to. This means that this service can be about assisting you in your practice, helping you to establish a healthy practice or finding solutions to whatever blockages or problems you might be experiencing as it can be about general help in obtaining clarity.

We will do these sessions through Skype and the duration is up to 60 minutes pr. session.

Please, prior to ordering the service do write us at sacred.alchemy.store@gmail.com and present us with the issue at hand. As with all our services our seal of secrecy and anonymity is always guaranteed.

Please visit our store at the following link: Sacred Alchemy Store, (http://sacredalchemystore.com/)

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